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”We must strive to see people not only as they present themselves in illness, but more importantly as they would be in perfect health and balance, in full discovery of their true nature, unique in body, mind and spirit” ~ Prof. J R Worsley

Rooted in ancient wisdom, traditional acupuncture is a 3,000 year old medical system, originating from China and the Far East. Working with the meridian system to treat the root causes of disease, acupuncture works to restore both physical and emotional harmony throughout the body.

What is Acupuncture?  A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries and pain management, migraines and digestive issues.  Many people also have regular acupuncture treatments to help manage chronic or complex health conditions, particularly where they have not found answers from conventional medicine.  Traditional acupuncture is also beneficial in treating anxiety, depression and a number of other mental health conditions.

Traditional acupuncture focuses on the whole person, not just their symptoms.  All imbalances (both physical and emotional) are viewed as an interconnected pattern within the body, and acupuncture is used to treat the root causes of disease, in order to restore wellness.

The British Acupuncture Council has published A-Z evidence factsheets for a wide range of common conditions.  Please visit the Resources page for further information.

What is involved in acupuncture treatments?  Your first treatment will involve a two hour consultation, which will enable the practitioner to obtain a complete picture of your health – discussing any physical or emotional symptoms that you may be experiencing, your medical history, diet and lifestyle and other important factors.  A physical examination will also be carried out, using both western and Chinese medical diagnostic tools.  Following this, you will receive your first acupuncture treatment.

Ongoing treatments involve the use of fine needles to stimulate acupuncture points throughout the body’s meridian system.  Moxibustion, cupping and gua sha are also incorporated in to treatments where required.  Each treatment is tailored to the patient’s unique needs, taking in to account their overall constitution, as well as managing ongoing physical and emotional conditions.

Acupuncture treatments for teenagers (aged 12-17) are also available.  Please note: a parent or guardian must be present for patients under 16 years old.

Cupping Therapy and Moxibustion sessions can also be booked as standalone treatments.

How many treatments will I need? Typically, weekly treatments are recommended for the first five sessions, reducing in frequency as you respond to treatment.

Please click here to book an appointment.

British Acupuncture Council 

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) – the leading self-regulatory body for the practice of traditional acupuncture in the UK.  They provide members with a wide range of services to facilitate practice and ensure the highest standards. Their responsibilities include:

  • maintaining the highest professional standards of practice for acupuncture in the UK
  • overseeing and accrediting acupuncture education to ensure excellence in training
  • funding evidence-based clinical research on the benefits of acupuncture.

As a member, I am bound by the Council’s stringent Standards of Practice and Codes of Ethics.

The BAcC was an early member of the Professional Standards Authority’s ‘Accredited Voluntary Register’ (AVR), which recognises the fact that they maintain high standards of training, safe practice and professional conduct among members.

Private Medical Insurance

If you have a private medical insurance policy, you may be entitled to claim for full or partial costs of your acupuncture treatments.

Many insurance companies will pay costs of treatments from British Acupuncture Council members for a variety of medical conditions. You will need to contact your own provider directly in order to ensure you are covered.


”Consciousness is benevolent and wants us to grow and flow” ~ Wendy Mandy

What is Pellowah? Are you ready for a Radical Shift in Consciousness? Pellowah is a high-frequency healing technique which will assist you on your personal journey of growth, increasing your capacity for positive change and enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Pellowah energy activates untapped DNA strands in the body and unblocks and realigns energy meridians, in order to shift long-held patterns and beliefs and provide a feeling of renewal and well-being.

Pellowah was first channelled in 2003 by Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. Its primary purpose is to assist in awakening the consciousness of humanity.

What is involved in a Pellowah session? Pellowah is a ‘hands-off’ healing technique which doesn’t involve physical touch. You will be invited to lie back, cover your eyes and ears in order to minimise external stimuli and enjoy the experience. Some clients experience immediate and profound shifts in consciousness, for others, it may be a more gentle unfolding over time.

Please click here to book an appointment.

For information on Pellowah Level 1 & 2 workshops, please click here


‘What you seek is seeking you” ~ Rumi

What is Rahanni? Rahanni Celestial Healing is a beautiful healing modality that brings a vibration of love, inner peace and compassion.
Rahanni practitioners work with the celestial realm to clear blockages and open the heart chakra. Rahanni was first channelled by Carol Stacey in 2002, as a tool to assist in the spiritual ascension of humanity.

What is involved in a Rahanni session? You will be invited to lie back and relax throughout the session, and enjoy the peaceful frequencies of Rahanni energy, along with peaceful music and candles. Rahanni is particularly beneficial for children and practitioners have reported positive results in children who have been diagnosed with hyperactivity disorders.

Please click here to book an appointment.


”The cosmos is within us.  We are made of star-stuff.  We are a way for the universe to know itself” ~ Carl Sagan

What is Reiki? Developed in Japan in the early 1900s, Reiki is a natural holistic therapy in which high-frequency energy is transferred to the client’s body through light touch. Reiki activates the body’s natural healing abilities, providing a sense of deep relaxation and harmony for mind and body.

What is involved in a Reiki session? You will be invited to lie back and relax throughout the treatment. You may experience different sensations as your body gently releases physical and emotional blockages, along with a deep sense of peace and relaxation.

Reiki is suitable during pregnancy and seated treatments can be offered if required. Reiki can be used as a complementary therapy to assist with any physical or emotional condition.

Please click here to book an appointment.


”In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and although we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being” ~ Nikola Tesla

What is Crystal Therapy? Crystal therapy is a holistic healing modality that involves using the vibrational and metaphysical properties of quartz crystals and mineral stones in order to re-align and harmonise the body’s energy field.  Crystals have been used for millennia to assist with emotional healing and spiritual growth.

What is involved in a crystal therapy session? Crystal therapy can be offered as a standalone treatment or part of a blended session, alongside Reiki or Rahanni.

Please click here to book an appointment.